What Type of Insurance Does a Prefabricated Metal Building Need?

Contractors who work in the steel erection industry should invest in three types of insurance coverage at the minimum - specifically: general liability, professional liability, and workers' compensation.

General Liability Insurance: General liability insurance provides coverage for third-party personal injuries and property damages. For example, in the event that a delivery driver trips over a piece of equipment at the site you're working on, suffers an injury, and files a lawsuit against you, general liability insurance will provide you with the coverage that's needed to pay for any medical care that the third-party may require, any legal fees that you may incur, and anything that a court of law may be liable for.

If the property owner of the building you're working on claims that you damaged their building and files a lawsuit, general liability insurance would also cover any legal expenses that you may end up facing, as well as any repairs that you may be required to pay.

Professional Liability Insurance: With professional liability, if you a client that hired you to erect a steel structure claims that you failed to do your job properly and files a lawsuit against you, you'll have the coverage you need to pay for the legal fees, any repairs that you may need to make to correct the problem, and it can also help to protect your business from any negative press that you may receive.

Workers Compensation Insurance: Workers' comp provides coverage for any workers that you may employ. For example, if a member of your team suffers a work-related injury and requires medical care, this policy will cover the medical expenses and can provide the employee with the wages he or she may lose while recovering.

If the employee files a lawsuit against you, claiming that the equipment that you provided wasn't properly maintained and caused the accident, for example, workers' compensation insurance can also assist with the related legal expenses.

Visit: Tower Street Insurance